Stuck in a Bad Mood?

full moon1If you’ve ever gotten into a funk that you just couldn’t drag yourself out of, then welcome to the club.  I’m not exactly sure how it began for me, but recently, I found myself wallowing in self-pity, finding one reason after another to keep the pity party going.  Maybe it began with an email that I didn’t want to read, or a dream I woke from feeling unraveled, I don’t exactly know.  I do know, though, that I must have been ‘in the zone’ because there was no shortage of things for me to focus on to keep me comfortably low–vibrationally speaking.

That’s the thing: just like when you focus on what you are grateful for, more shows up in your life to be grateful for, the opposite is also true.  Not that I suddenly had nothing to be grateful for, I simply wasn’t focusing on these things!

And then, out of nowhere, I stumbled upon a video with Oprah and Deepak Chopra from OWNTV that did the trick for me.  In the video, Oprah talks about moving past negative thoughts.  It was exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment.   You can watch what Oprah says here and I’ll explain:

She begins with a simple exercise.  Briefly, begin by closing your eyes.  Then imagine a full moon, and then dismiss it.  Next, think of an oak tree by the riverbank, then let it go.  And finally, do the same with a red triangle.   When you’re finished, open your eyes.

What’s the point of that simple exercise, you may be wondering?  It’s that just as you have the power and the choice to let the thoughts of moons, trees, and red triangles come and go you also have the ability to do the same with negative thoughts.   You can observe them come in and let them go, if you choose to.

Remember, you are not your thoughts; however, your thoughts do create the foundation for your actions, so in a sense, you ‘do’ your thoughts and they create your future.  In a foul mood?  Do you think you’re more likely to say something you may regret, skip a workout, comfort yourself with food or drink when you’re not hungry, procrastinate on something important, or talk yourself out of an opportunity that’s come your way?  I am for sure.  Thankfully I didn’t have a plate of brownies in the house ; )

If suddenly making the decision to simply observe your thoughts is a challenge (and why wouldn’t it be), here are three strategies to help you strengthen your thought muscles:

1.  Get present – Just like the exercise above, if you find yourself bogged down or overwhelmed by negative thoughts, another simple exercise is to look at your environment and name some objects within sight:  a blue sky, a red book, a white mug, etc.  Yes, it sounds so simple, but in this video, Sura talks about the process and how it will still your mind and bring you to the present moment.  And when you become present, your monkey mind naturally melts away.

2.  Journal – This is such a powerful practice when done regularly.  It allows you to dump the contents of your brain–without judgment–and putting ink to paper so often leads to insights to what’s keeping you stuck.   Facing a challenge?  Write about it–the good, the bad, and the in between.   Make it part of your early morning routine or write just before bed.   Like anything else, the more you do it, the more value you’ll gain from it.

3.  Check in on your diet Have you ever heard the expression, “Junk food, junk mood?”  It’s much easier to develop and get stuck in a bad mood if you’re eating foods that support it.  If you know you’ve been indulging and recognize a connection with your mood, take action by getting back on track.   And if you’d like support in this area, contact me. I can help you identify specific foods that may be making it more difficult to reach the level or consistency of positive mood you want and deserve!

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